Inpatient Rehab in Raymondville, TX

Seeking treatment at an inpatient rehab in Raymondville can improve the chances of making a successful recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. Inpatient rehab programs use a combination of therapies designed to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addictive behaviors.

Inpatient rehab programs are intensive treatment plans designed to treat people struggling to break free from the grip of drug or alcohol addiction. When a person first enters an inpatient rehab center, addiction specialists assess a range of factors to determine the correct combination of medications, treatments and therapies needed to improve likely outcomes.

Each person entering into rehab treatments is assessed for the type of drug and dosage being taken, the length of use and severity of the addiction, and the presence of any co-occurring mental health disorders that need to be treated simultaneously.

What Is the Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab?

Inpatient rehab in Raymondville requires the person to reside at the treatment center for the duration of the treatment programs in Raymondville. Treatments are highly structured throughout each day to ensure the recovering person is focused solely on the recovery process without distraction or temptation from people or places associated with addictive behavior.

The person has the benefit of around-the-clock supervision and monitoring, which can be especially important for those who are at risk of experiencing potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms during the detox process.

By comparison, outpatient drug rehab treatments allow the person to return home after treatments and therapies have ended for the day. Outpatient drug rehab centers still require a significant time commitment, as the person is expected to check in with addiction specialists each day to receive medications, or attend pre-scheduled therapy, counseling sessions or group meetings.

In some cases, people who have graduated from an inpatient rehab center may still need the ongoing support and structure provided by intensive treatments. For those people, stepping down from inpatient rehab programs to an outpatient treatment plan helps keep them motivated to stay clean and sober during the early recovery phase.

How Long Does Inpatient Rehab Last?

The average length of time a person stays in inpatient rehab in Raymondville is 30 days. However, some people may need to stay for 60 or even up to 90 days, depending on the type of drug that was being taken and whether there are symptoms of a mental health disorder that also need to be treated.

Is Inpatient Rehab Treatment Right for You?

Our programs for inpatient rehab in Raymondville are intended to provide a safe, drug-free environment that allows people to focus solely on the recovery process without temptation from people or places associated with using.

Every person responds in a different way to various treatment models, so a ‘cookie cutter' approach to treating addiction won't work. Just as the triggers behind a person's substance use are individual to them, the treatments and therapies needed to address those triggers also needs to be customized. Addiction specialists tailor the right combination of medications and therapies to suit every person's unique needs.

Inpatient rehab treatments begin with the detox process. The detox process and treatments will vary, depending on the type of drug being taken. Some people may be given prescription medications to stop the onset of nasty withdrawal symptoms. However, others may need to taper off the drug of addiction slowly under medical supervision to avoid the onset of symptoms associated with withdrawal.

Still others may be given medications to treat any adverse symptoms that arise during withdrawal, such as antidepressants or anti-psychotic medications.

Drug detox in Raymondville is only the first phase in a comprehensive treatment program. Behavioral therapies begin working to address the underlying psychological triggers behind self-destructive behaviors associated with substance abuse.

Counseling helps the recovering person identify their own personal addiction triggers and high-risk situations. The recovering person is then encouraged to develop a strong relapse prevention strategy that helps them cope with triggers and reduce the risk of relapsing back into dysfunctional behaviors after leaving rehab.

By the time a person leaves inpatient rehab in Raymondville, they should be equipped with the recovery tools and resources needed to stay clean and sober. Call us now to get the help you need (877) 804-1531.

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